si_crazy Oct 18, 2014 23:30
ship: angel/eve, character: spike, character: eve, ship: connor/fred, tv: angel the series, character: buffy summers, ship: wesley/illyria, ship: angel/buffy, character: virginia bryce, ship: angel/spike, character: wesley wyndam pryce, ship: spike/cordelia, ship: angel/cordelia, index, group: fang gang, ship: wesley/lilah, character: illyria, icons, character: allen francis doyle, ship: connor/cordelia, ship: angel/doyle, character: fred burkle, ship: wesley/fred, character: harmony kendall, ship: angel/darla, character: faith lehane, character: lindsey mcdonald, character: cordelia chase, character: angel, ship: wesley/baby connor, ship: wesley/cordelia, ship: wesley/faith, ship: wesley/gunn
si_crazy Oct 07, 2014 02:35
icons, character: allen francis doyle, character: charles gunn, ship: angel/wesley, character: spike, tv: angel the series, group: fang family, ship: angel/connor, character: fred burkle, ship: angel/spike, character: connor angel, character: faith lehane, character: wesley wyndam pryce, character: lindsey mcdonald, character: cordelia chase, ship: angel/cordelia, index, group: fang gang, ship: wesley/lilah, character: angel, character: angelus, ship: darla/dru, ship: wesley/faith, character: lilah morgan, ship: wesley/gunn
si_crazy Oct 06, 2014 22:33
ship: angel/eve, character: daniel oz osbourne, ship: angel/wesley, character: andrew wells, tv: angel the series, character: kate lockley, ship: angel/connor, ship: angel/spike, character: connor angel, character: wesley wyndam pryce, ship: doyle/cordelia, ship: angel/cordelia, index, group: fang gang, character: angelus, character: illyria, ship: angel/lorne, character: drusilla, ship: wesley/lorne, icons, character: allen francis doyle, ship: gunn/gwen, character: jasmine, character: fred burkle, character: faith lehane, character: darla, character: cordelia chase, character: lorne the host, character: angel, ship: darla/dru, character: lilah morgan, ship: wesley/gunn
si_crazy Jul 30, 2013 02:21
character: tara maclay, character: elena gilbert, character: veronica mars, character: willow rosenberg, character: lexi branson, graphics, tv: suits, character: caroline forbes, wallpaper, character: klaus mikaelson, comm: womenverse, character: anya jenkins, tv: veronica mars, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: angel the series, character: buffy summers, character: rebekah mikaelson, character: logan echolls, character: dawn summers, character: fred burkle, character: faith lehane, character: cordelia chase, character: donna paulsen, character: bonnie bennett, tv: the vampire diaries, fanart